Hospitality Prices
Hospitality services are not a privilege that only few can have. Every pet owner has the logical need to leave their beloved friend once in a while, given that they love their pets and thus make plans for it’s care (while they are on vacation, out of town on business etc).
Avra Farm is here to meet your needs!
In order for everyone to be able to use our services we offer you the most competitive prices on the market. Our state certified facilities (issued by the National Veterinary Service of State for the operation of animal hotels, and operational licensed vehicles) provide safety and hygiene for all animals. Our good name and 30 plus years of experience and service in the area of animal hospitality is our Avra Farm’s guarantee to all pet owners.
Small Birds & Rodents
€20 /Day
- (Canaries, parrots, rabbits etc.)
- Meals of your choice
- Veterinary Supervision
Small Breed
€22 /Day
- (Dogs, cats, Maltese, Shih-Tzu, Yorkshire Terrier etc.)
- DE-worming
- Meals of your choice
- Veterinary Supervision
Medium & Large Breed
€25 /Day
- (Beagle, Cocker, Retrievers, Boxer etc.)
- DE-worming
- Meals of your choice
- Veterinary Supervision
Extra Large Breed
€28 /Day
- (Cane Corso, Mastiff, Dogo Argentino etc.)
- DE-worming
- Meals of your choice.
- Veterinary Supervision
Mykonos Suite
€30 /Day
- All sizes
- Individual pool
- 18-20 area
- DE-worming
- Meals of your choice
- Veterinary Supervision
Santorini Suite
€35 /Day
- All sizes
- Individual pool
- 35-40 area
- DE-worming
- Meals of your choice
- Veterinary Supervision
* We offer you FREE pick up and return of your pet for hospitality of 15 days or more & outside of offer periods!!!! Minimum charge 5 days.
Veterinary coverage is only for emergencies
For uncommunicative & difficult animals, accommodation price per case

Our goal at Avra Farm is to offer our customers quality service at reasonable prices.
This is reflected in the pricing policy that we have been following since we first opened our facilities. This is summarized in the phrase: